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Premiere of the house concert video

On Sunday, 21 January 2024, ČT art television will premiere a recording of a home concert that took place in a deep lockdown during the covid pandemic. The two Antonín Dvořák piano quartets feature violinist Josef Špaček, violist Jakub Fišer, cellist Tomáš Jamník and pianist Lukáš Vondráček. The recording was made by Vladimír Kroupa and Jakub Mayer.

Link to the video: https://www.ceskatelevize.cz/porady/15182320938-dvorakovy-klavirni-kvartety/222387762530001/


New concert space

On the Donio crowdfunding platform, it is possible to support the newly created concert space, which will also serve as a meeting place for classical music lovers.

Link here: https://www.donio.cz/koncertni-predsin


New Year's Concert at the Opole Philharmonic

Tomáš Jamník will perform at the festive New Year's concert at the Opole Philharmonic on 16 January 2024 together with scholarship holders and successful graduates of the Czech Chamber Music Academy. Together they will play works by Antonín Dvořák and Josef Suk.


Tomáš Jamník takes professorship at the Janáček Academy

Tomáš Jamník became a professor at the Janáček Academy of Performing Arts in Brno. From September 2024 he will lead the first cello students in his class. In addition to this teaching position, Tomáš continues his activities and activities at the Ševčík Academy and the Czech Chamber Music Academy.

12. 3. 2023


Ševčíkova akademie uspořádala k jubileu houslisty a pedagoga Otakara Ševčíka sérii slavnostních koncertů, na kterých vystoupil Tomáš Jamník společně houslisty Janem Fišerem, Eliškou Kukalovou, Matteo Hagerem, Bohou Moon a violoncellistou Vilémem Vlčkem.

Záznam koncertu je možné shlédnout zde: https://youtu.be/J7XN-_wWpWk?si=fzp04wcqHURO6ES5